Thursday, 7 June 2018

Samba Configuration In Debian

Understanding Samba

Samba is a program that can bridge the complexity of various Linux operating system
platforms (UNIX) with Windows machines running on a computer network. Samba is an
application of UNIX and Linux, known as the SMB (Service Message Block) protocol

Samba configuration steps

Do install samba with command like below:
# apt-get install samba samba-common smbclient smbfs
If there is a confirmation y / n, just type Y, confirm this for 2x and wait until the install is complete
name the workgroup as you wish
#cd / home / alpiana / (this user name was then created on FTP)
Create a directory with # mkdir share (data named "share")
Then register the account #chmod -R 777 share
Then input paswordnya # smbpasswd -a alpiana
# nano /etc/samba/smb.conf
add the following text below (Share Definitions):
           path = / home / alpiana / share
           browseable = yes
           valid user = alpiana
           guest ok = yes
           read only = no
           writeable = yes
# /etc/init.d/samba restart
Open PC Client, type command in run "\\" (ip server)
Enter User and Password, then will open the folder that we share

ok finished good luck.........

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