Monday, 4 June 2018

Nature Tourism Curug Gongseng(waterfall) Kuningan, West Java Indonesia

Curug Gongseng Cibuntu, Kuningan, West Java Indonesia


Many tourist attractions that we must visit when on vacation and if you are on holiday to kuningan city, of west java indonesia which is famous for many natural tourism because its location adjacent to mountain ciremai make kuningan city become natural tourist destination which many visited by tourists who want to cool eye with natural viewers are still very awake. Now I will introduce a good tourist attractions and does not require a high cost, namely: Curug Gongseng located in the village Cibuntu District Pesawahan Kuningan, West Java Indonesia.

Already a hallmark of kuningan district with its waterfalls beauty, one of them is Curug Gongseng which presents spills waterfalls and natural scenery are still awake enough so that it can calm your mood as you relax even joked with friends or family, here also there is a historic relic megalithic times.

The facilities contained in the place is still quite minimal because the management is not maximized, there is a place to relax, toilets, food stalls, and parking area is wide enough. Curug gongseng also provides places to take pictures with bagrond natural landscape ecosystem such as cliffs, shady trees, and waterfalls that became the destination of the camel when visiting the waterfall Gongseng.

The price of admission and opening time of tourist attraction curug gongseng
The price that must be paid to enter and enjoy the attractions curug gongseng very affordable for all people around Rp 5,000; reaches Rp 10,000; / person, or $ 1 USD, at a low price you can enjoy all the beauty of nature is very fascinating.

Access to curug gongseng

Enjoy your tour in Kuningan City,  West Java Indonesia......
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