Tuesday, 22 May 2018

Tea Garden Cipasung Majalengka, West Java Indonesia

tea garden cipasung

When you visit majalengka west java Indonesia, try to take your time to relax in tea garden cipasung majalengka, one of the tourist attractions not to be missed if you go to majalengka district. The beauty of the expanse of 58 hectares of tea garden will make you feel comfortable to relax with the cool air without air pollution so that you want to take a nap, when the harvest season arrives you can see the farmers picking tea leaves directly even you can also try it.
tea garden
tea garden majalengka

Location of cipasung majalengka tea garden

Tea garden cipasung majalengka The location is in the village cipasung subdistrict lemahsugih, majalengka district, west java Indonesia. And until now there is no public transportation to get there, if you want to visit there is suggested to bring your own vehicle or you can rent a vehicle in the city of Majalengka better use two-wheeled vehicles because access to kes kesaan quite difficult to pass by four-wheeled vehicles, for admission to the tea garden is quite cheap around Rp 5,000; - Rp 10,000; or $ 1 USD.

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